
Thorchain is a decentralised cross-chain liquidity protocol which uses the Tendermint consensus engine, Cosmos-SDK state machine, and GG20 Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS). It does not peg or wrap assets, it manages funds directly in on-chain vaults, and secures those funds using economic security. It could be described as a "cross-chain automated market maker (AMM), like Uniswap but accross chain". It allows for amazing and novel actions like million dollar BTC-ETH streaming swaps with close to zero slippage, or native BTC single sided yield.

Building on the foundation of liquidity pools, Thorchain pursues three important financial primitives:

  1. Allow a user to Swap {Asset X on Chain A}, to {Asset Y on Chain B}.

  2. Allow a user to Save {Asset X on Chain A}.

  3. Allow a user to Lend {Asset X on Chain A}, to Borrow {Asset Y on Chain B}.

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